Tenant Release of Breach of Contract
Tenant Release of Breach of Contract
This agreement is made this {date} day of {month}, {year}, between {name}, henceforth known as "Tenant," and {name}, henceforth known as
"Landlord," and refers to the property located at {address}.
Tenant and Landlord agree to the following:
Tenant signed a {length
of lease} lease on {date}.
Tenant is in breach of this lease due to {reason(s) tenant is in breach}.
Landlord has agree to execute a release of the
above-mentioned breach, in consideration of {amount} paid to Landlord on {date}.
Landlord agrees to waive and release any existing claims for
damages or loss, or for any future claim Landlord could enforce against Tenant
with regard to the above-mentioned lease.
This agreement does not apply to any future ease Tenant may
agree to with Landlord.
Tenant Printed Name
Tenant Signature
Landlord Printed
Landlord Signature
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