Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual harassment is counterproductive to maintaining a safe, productive and enjoyable work environment. {Company} is devoted to preserving an atmosphere of equality, respect and safety, and will take stringent measures against any personnel who pollute that atmosphere with hostility, offensiveness or intimidation towards coworkers or subordinates.

What Constitutes Harassment?
Sexual harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advances that occur within the workplace. Some examples of sexual harassment are:
  • Derogatory or degrading jokes, comments or slurs
  • Physical intimidation, unwanted touching or threatening behavior.
  • Obscene expressions, gestures or noises.
  • Threatening negative employment consequences if the sexual advances are refused (e.g. firing, demotion, etc.)
  • Promising positive employment consequences if the sexual advances are accepted (e.g. hiring, promotion, benefits, assignment, etc.)

If you feel that you have been sexually harassed within the workplace, please report the incident to a supervisor or member of management as soon as possible. Reports of sexual harassment will be held in the strictest confidence and the allegations will be investigated immediately.

The dismissal of sexual harassment reports without investigations, or retaliation against workers who report incidents of sexual harassment is strictly prohibited.

Useful Contacts for Sexual Harassment Occurrences:
  • {Name, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}
  • {Name, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}
    {Name, Department, Room, Phone, Fax, Email}


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