Lease Extension

Lease Extension

This agreement is made this {date} day of {month}, {year}, between {name}, henceforth known as "Tenant," and {name}, henceforth known as "Landlord," and refers to the property located at {address}, for which both parties signed a {term of lease, such as "one-year"} lease on {date}.

Landlord and Tenant agree to extend this lease for a period of {length of time}, which shall begin on {date} and end on {date}.

The rent for this extended period of the lease shall be {amount} per month, payable on the {date} of each month.

All other terms from the original lease shall remain in effect during the extended period. The following additional terms also apply: {detail any additional terms}.

Tenant Printed Name

Tenant Signature


Landlord Printed Name

Landlord Signature



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