This contract serves to identify
a monetary transaction between {Borrower’s
Name}, hereafter referred to as “Borrower,” and {Lender’s Name}, hereafter referred to as “Lender,” and to outline
the requirements for reimbursement between the two parties.
On {date}, the Lender loaned the Borrower ${amount} for the purpose of {purpose
of loan.}
Terms (Check all that apply):
□ The Borrower agrees to
leave {his/her} {car, title, etc.} at
the Lender’s residence as collateral until the debt has been repaid.
□ The Borrower will repay the
entire debt in one lump sum on or before {date}.
If Borrower does repay the entire amount by {date}, the following consequences will apply: {List consequences here.}
□ The Borrower will pay off
the debt in {weekly, monthly, etc.} installments
in the amount of ${amount} every {period of time} until {date}.
□ The Lender will receive an
additional {percentage, interest, fee,
etc.} in the amount of ${amount}.
Both parties agree to abide by
the specifications outlined in this contract.
If either party violates the
terms of this contract, the following consequences will apply: {List consequences here}.
(Borrower’s Signature)
(Lender’s Signature)
(Witness’ Signature)
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