Rights to Use of Name
Rights to Use of Name
This agreement is made this {date} day of {month}, {year}, between {name}, henceforth known as "Owner," and {name}, henceforth known as
"Buyer," and refers to the name {copyrighted
Owner grants Buyer the right to use the name, in exchange
for a payment of {amount}.
Buyer agrees to pay Owner the above amount according to the
following terms: {terms of payment}.
Buyer and Owner agree that the term of this contract is {length of time}, and will begin on {date}.
Buyer and Owner agree that the Buyer has the sole use of
this name, and that no other person or entity shall be granted rights to use
the name during the period of this contract.
Buyer Printed Name
Buyer Signature
Owner Printed Name
Owner Signature
Witness Printed
Witness Signature
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