Covenant Not To Sue

Covenant Not To Sue

Agreement between:

            {Name}, located at {address};


            {Name}, located at {address}.

In consideration of {amount of money paid, or any other compensation provided}, paid to {Name} by {Name}, and other valuable consideration, {Name} agrees to not initiate any lawsuit or action against {Name} with regard to {complete description of the reason why the person might be likely to sue}.

Further, {Name} may not be a part of any legal action against {Name} at any point in the future.

This covenant does not indicate the guilt or innocence of either party.

This document is the only covenant between {Name} and {Name}, and any statements or provisions made my either party that are not contained in this document are neither valid nor binding.

Signed this {date} day of {month}, {year}:

____________________________                ____________________________
Name                                                                    Signature

____________________________                ____________________________
Name                                                                    Signature


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